Sts. Anargyroi Church plans annual Greek Festival


Entertainment for this year’s Greek Festival at the Saints Anargyroi Church on Central Street included the Boston Lykeion Ellinidon Dance Group. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

Entertainment for this year’s Greek Festival at the Saints Anargyroi Church on Central Street included the Boston Lykeion Ellinidon Dance Group. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

MARLBOROUGH – Get ready for the annual Greek Festival on Labor Day weekend at Sts. Anargyroi Church, 9 Central St.

The festival will include Greek foods and pastries, live music and dancing, Greek souvenirs and a Greek marketplace, Greek dance performers and children’s activities.

Beer and wine will be available for purchase.

The fun will begin on Friday, Sept. 1, from 5 to 11 p.m., featuring a light menu. A full menu will be offered on Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 2 and 3.

Admission is free; this will be a rain-or-shine event.

For information, call 508-485-2575 or visit

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