Willard House and Clock Museum to host antique car event


Ford Model T’s and Model A’s will grace the lawn of the Willard House and Clock Museum on Aug. 19. (Photo/Courtesy)

Ford Model T’s and Model A’s will grace the lawn of the Willard House and Clock Museum on Aug. 19. (Photo/Courtesy)

GRAFTON – The Willard House and Clock Museum, 11 Willard St., will host a car lawn event on Saturday, Aug. 19, (and a rain date of Sunday, Aug. 20) from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Times are approximate as the cars will be touring the countryside.

The event is open to the public, and free admission was made possible by UniBank.

Willard has also announced that attendees may enjoy food and drink from Joey’s Wingz & Thingz food truck and Rushford & Sons craft beers of Upton.

Guests are encouraged to register at this link.

Nearly 30 beautifully curated and restored Ford Model T’s and Model A’s will be on display at Willard.

“According to the Ford Motor Company, [more than] 15 million Model Ts were built and sold between 1908 and 1927. The new Ford Model A was introduced in 1927 and was the company’s answer to a fast-changing market as well as the introduction of paved roads,” said David Libbey of the Minuteman Model A Club. “As history shows, nearly 5 million Model A’s in nine body styles were produced and sold between 1927 and 1932.”

Participating Car Clubs:

  • Minuteman Model A Ford Club
  • Worcester County Model A Club
  • Blackstone Valley Model A Ford Club
  • Yankee IngenuiT’s
  • Central Mass Model T Ford Club

“The museum is always looking for a horological theme to its events,” said Robert Gierschick, director of development at Willard House and Clock Museum. “The Model A had a Ford-approved option of a clock integrated into the driver’s visor, so I guess we could say that time travels fast.”

For information about this program, please contact Beverly Snow, program coordinator, at 508-839-3500, or visit www.willardhouse.org.

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