Part of the new addition at the Marlborough Public Library as seen in this photo in June. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)
MARLBOROUGH – The Marlborough Public Library is on the move.
As of Friday, Aug. 11, the library at the Walker Building was closed, and the transition to the newly renovated space on West Main Street will begin.
“The move is going to take a while, and then we still need to get staff in, finish setting up and training,” said Director Sara Belisle.
An opening date has yet to be announced, she added.
Due dates on materials will be extended during this period.
Materials may be returned to any library within the Central and Western Massachusetts Automated Resource Sharing system, including Berlin, Hudson, Northborough, Southborough and Westborough. You may also visit these libraries to check out materials.
RELATED CONTENT: Building, fundraising continues for Marlborough library
The book drop will not be available during the transition. The library no longer charges or collects fines. Any Marlborough items still on accounts when the library closes will be renewed automatically.
Also, museum passes will not be available while the library is in transition.
Those having donations are asked to either wait until the library reopens, or give them to another library.
More information about the closing of the library at the Walker Building, and the reopening of the library at 35 W. Main St. (currently scheduled for September), will be announced as soon as it’s available.
For the latest, visit www.marlborough-ma.gov/library-0.