Donations still needed for migrant families in Shrewsbury


Shrewsbury’s Town Hall is located on Maple Avenue. The town is seeking donations to support the migrant families. <br />(Photo/Dakota Antelman)

Shrewsbury’s Town Hall is located on Maple Avenue. The town is seeking donations to support the migrant families. 
(Photo/Dakota Antelman)

SHREWSBURY – Shrewsbury is seeking donations to support migrant families currently living in town.

In early June, the Massachusetts Department of Housing and Community Development placed 16 families in Shrewsbury. Since then, the number of families in the town has only increased; there are roughly 80 families living in lodging facilities in Shrewsbury.  

Massachusetts is a “right to shelter” state, meaning that “low-income Massachusetts families who meet certain eligibility requirements have a legal right to shelter.” Towns cannot refuse to provide shelter to families.

In an August 22 post made on X, formerly known as Twitter, the town thanked residents for an “outpouring of support” for migrant families. However, more donations are still needed. 

 The town is asking for donations of toys and activities for the youths. For younger children, the town is looking for donations of toys, including large balls, rideable toys (PlaySkool brand especially, dolls, and games) and books in Spanish and Creole. 

For teens, Shrewsbury is asking for games of all types, electronic entertainment, and sports balls.

Donations can be placed in the donation collection bins outside of Town Hall at 100 Maple Avenue. The bins are located just to the right of the main entrance.

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