Repair project designers to be at Westborough library’s open house


This drone photo shows the Westborough Public Library. The designers of the library’s repair project will be at an open house Sept. 8. (Photo/Tami White)

This drone photo shows the Westborough Public Library. The designers of the library’s repair project will be at an open house Sept. 8. (Photo/Tami White)

WESTBOROUGH – The Westborough Public Library, 55 W. Main St., will conduct its annual open house on Friday, Sept. 8, from 5 to 7 p.m.

Lamoureux Pagano Architects, the designers of the library’s repair project, will be holding a community focus group/feedback session. The designers will gather public feedback to better understand the needs and desires of the community as it relates to the library repairs. 

Residents who would like to contribute to this important community building process are encouraged to bring their smartphones.

The session will begin at 6 p.m. 

There will also be live music from the Hip Swayers, free pizza and desserts, a visit from the Paw Patrol and Super Mario Brothers and more. No registration is required.

For more information, contact Library Director Maureen Amyot at [email protected].

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