I am writing in response to the Land Acknowledgement Statement that has been proposed by the leadership of the Shrewsbury Public Library. It was presented to the Select Board and covered in the August 18 Community Advocate.
I do not feel that it is appropriate for library leadership to take positions on social justice issues or other topics that are controversial and not vital to the function of the library. These are matters that are currently being debated (sometimes heatedly) by the general public. There is a real need to provide resources and an atmosphere where questions such as this can be addressed without library leadership weighing in.
Our public library is an essential part of having an educated population. The mission of the library includes being welcoming to everyone. When policy or positions are promoted that are not driven by the general citizenry, a door is being closed to some in the community who may not agree. This may further polarize and impair open and honest dialogue in the community and the development of consensus.
B. Dale Magee, MD