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Letter: Northborough resident talks tax rate amid fire station project
My wife and I have been residents of Northborough since 1997. We have witnessed the growth and development of our community both ...
Letter: Why MCAS has failed our students
As a first year teacher in the city of Boston, and one who personally experienced the failure of Judge, Arthur Garrity's forced busing ...
Letter: Only you can prevent a fire sale
The proposed new fire station construction on next week’s ballot will, if approved, place a 30-year heavy financial burden and risk on town citizens.
Letter: ‘Please consider supporting Question 6 on Tuesday’
It’s time Northborough! Anyone remember what was going on in 1975? Here are a few hints. The Viet Nam war ended. 8 track tapes were cool
Letter: Friends of the Poor Walk raised over $20,000
The Marlborough St. Vincent de Paul Societies (Immaculate Conception and St. Matthias) would like to thank everyone for their ...
Letter: ‘Ballot Questions 1 and 2 are really designed to bring accountability to our...
Ballot Questions 1 and 2 are really designed to bring accountability to our State Legislature and our public school system standards.
Letter: ‘I am writing this letter to urge you to vote YES on question...
I am writing this letter to urge you to vote YES on question 6. The question to fund a new fire Station. Our current station is 50 years ...
Letter: ‘Keep the MCAS as a graduation requirement’
As a former member of the Hudson School Committee, I am very aware of the value of the MCAS. MCAS, as a graduation requirement, ...
‘Do the right thing and vote YES on question 6!’
On November 5, 2024, the ballot will include Question 6 for Northborough voters. Question 6 is the second part of the approval ...
‘We write in support of the Northborough Fire Station project’
When casting your ballot for the November election, please join us in supporting this critical Public Safety need by voting YES on Question 6.
In response to your recent article regarding next steps for the Westborough Golf Club...
We are writing in response to your recent article regarding next steps for the Westborough Golf Club Building to be discussed at the ...
“Voters, please come to our TOWN MEETING”
I ask that town departments submit budgets that grow at 2.5% or at least, present this as an option for the voters at the Town Meeting.
Westborough residents share ideas for Community Center
We are writing in regard to the plans by the town to create a Community/Senior Center at the recently purchased property at 1500 Union Street.
‘Memorial Beach should be accessible to all members of our community’
I am writing to express my concern regarding the inaccessibility issues at Memorial Beach in Marlborough. It’s disheartening to see ...
‘Cybersecurity of our towns’
I'm writing about the cybersecurity of our towns. Recently, a great article ran in the Advocate about the first awards ...
‘Both sides have a point. Both sides have a right to their opinion’
I read the letter to the editor on May 24 regarding the protests taking place at universities in the United States regarding the ...
‘We hope everyone will check out the Farmer’s Market at Bay State Commons’
The members of the 2024 Farmer’s Market planning committee would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to the hospitality shown to ...
Sen. Eldridge thanks attendees of Middlesex and Worcester Senior Conference
I was so happy that the Middlesex and Worcester Senior Conference returned on April 18th at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School ...
Sharek thanks Hudson voters for election
I am writing to say “thank you” to the voters of Hudson who have entrusted me with the job of Select Board member for the next three years.
‘Have Americans become ostriches?’
Have Americans become ostriches? Are we putting our heads in the sand and not standing up for the values that our forefathers ...