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Letter: Wake up Westborough
What is the “average” cost of living in a town where a property tax bill is $ 13,304. Let us round the $13,304, to $14,000 ...
MBTA Communities Act 3A: An Appeal to Common Sense
While the SJC ruled 3A is constitutional, it’s important to note that the 18 pages of detailed guidelines governing the act were ...
Letter: ‘Vote “No” to protect Shrewsbury from hasty and irreversible decisions’
As concerned residents of Shrewsbury, we are writing to urge our fellow neighbors to vote “No” in the February 4 special election.
Letter: The result of your Vote on February 4th will have significant impact on...
Shrewsbury is holding a Special Election on February 4th, 2025 from 2:00-8:00 p.m. Voters will be asked to confirm or rescind a vote ...
Turning the Tide: A Personal Journey in Reducing Single-Use Plastic
I can still recall the simplicity of my childhood, where sustainability wasn't a word we used, but a way of life. At community gatherings ...
WESTBOROUGH TAXPAYERS did you know: The Town has already spent close to $800,000 taxpayer money on a public town ...
Letter: Marlborough resident comments on two Community Advocate articles
I would like to take a moment to comment on two articles in your most recent edition (12/6). I commend you on your correction on a ...
Modernizing Recycling Infrastructure: A Win for Shrewsbury and the Bay State
The “Most Dunkin Donut Shops Per State” is not the only top 10 list Massachusetts lands on. In fact, the Bay State ...
Letter: Cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of many upper middle-class people in metro west
The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy of many upper middle-class people in metro west, who are supposedly "educated" and support ...
Letter: Northborough resident talks tax rate amid fire station project
My wife and I have been residents of Northborough since 1997. We have witnessed the growth and development of our community both ...
Letter: Why MCAS has failed our students
As a first year teacher in the city of Boston, and one who personally experienced the failure of Judge, Arthur Garrity's forced busing ...
Letter: Only you can prevent a fire sale
The proposed new fire station construction on next week’s ballot will, if approved, place a 30-year heavy financial burden and risk on town citizens.
Letter: ‘Please consider supporting Question 6 on Tuesday’
It’s time Northborough! Anyone remember what was going on in 1975? Here are a few hints. The Viet Nam war ended. 8 track tapes were cool
Letter: Friends of the Poor Walk raised over $20,000
The Marlborough St. Vincent de Paul Societies (Immaculate Conception and St. Matthias) would like to thank everyone for their ...
Letter: ‘Ballot Questions 1 and 2 are really designed to bring accountability to our...
Ballot Questions 1 and 2 are really designed to bring accountability to our State Legislature and our public school system standards.
Letter: ‘I am writing this letter to urge you to vote YES on question...
I am writing this letter to urge you to vote YES on question 6. The question to fund a new fire Station. Our current station is 50 years ...
Letter: ‘Keep the MCAS as a graduation requirement’
As a former member of the Hudson School Committee, I am very aware of the value of the MCAS. MCAS, as a graduation requirement, ...
‘Do the right thing and vote YES on question 6!’
On November 5, 2024, the ballot will include Question 6 for Northborough voters. Question 6 is the second part of the approval ...
‘We write in support of the Northborough Fire Station project’
When casting your ballot for the November election, please join us in supporting this critical Public Safety need by voting YES on Question 6.
In response to your recent article regarding next steps for the Westborough Golf Club...
We are writing in response to your recent article regarding next steps for the Westborough Golf Club Building to be discussed at the ...