‘I ask that [Grafton] … reconsider the development of 59 Pleasant St’


Letter to the Editor logoDear Editor, 

God gave man the power to manage the environment. How we manage it affects all the creatures he put on this earth. Worldwide we are now exterminating thousands of species.

As we continue to selfishly fill our open spaces here in Grafton and surrounding towns with scores of buildings to house hordes of humans, consider that we are destroying the homes of thousands of animals that now have nowhere else to go. They can’t attend town meetings or cast votes, but they have a right to be here just as you and I.

I ask that the town of Grafton, and especially the Conservation Commission and the Land Trust, reconsider the development of 59 Pleasant Street. That 12 ½ acre field abuts conservation land that includes wetland, a pond and forest. It is home to meadowlarks, bobolinks, fox, deer and scores of other animals. We are stewards of this land and have a responsibility to protect the lives of the creatures that live on it. Their survival depends on our choices at this critical time.

Thank you for your consideration,

Wendy Reid

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