Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social in Grafton


Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social in Grafton
The Congregational Church of Grafton will conduct its annual Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social on Sunday, Sept. 24. (Photo/Courtesy)

GRAFTON – The 44th annual Harvest Fair and Apple Pie Social, hosted by the Congregational Church of Grafton, will be held on Sunday, Sept. 24, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the church grounds, 30 Grafton Common. Admission is free to this family-friendly event, and it is rain or shine.

There will be homemade fresh apple pies, apple crisps, hot dogs, hamburgers, corn chowder chili and beverages. There will also be a yard sale featuring household items, toys, jewelry, clothing and more.

The social will feature books for all ages, raffle baskets and kids games and activities, including a bounce house.

There will be live musical performances throughout the day, including Kelly Clark’s Jazz Band, Blackstone Valley Strummers with Jan Barlow and Gabe Cain, guitarist.

Proceeds will support the church’s missions and charities.

For more information, visit www.uccgrafton.org, email [email protected], or call 508-839-4513. See the church’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/uccgrafton.

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