Pair of historic headstones restored


The headstone for Joseph and Sarah Grout lies in several pieces. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

The headstone for Joseph and Sarah Grout lies in several pieces. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

WESTBOROUGH – A pair of headstones in Memorial Cemetery underwent some much-needed repairs, thanks to the Westborough Historical Commission.

Staff from Fannin Lehner Preservation Consultants were at the cemetery on Aug. 31 and Sept. 1, restoring the headstones for two of the town’s 18th-century residents, Capt. John Fay, and Joseph and Sarah Grout.

According to records, Fay was the first town clerk in Westborough and served as a captain in the local militia.

The top portions of both headstones had broken off. Restoration work included reattaching the pieces with a special epoxy.

Funds for the restoration came out of the commission’s annual budget.

Leo Greene and James C. Fannin Jr. of Fannin and Lehner Preservation Consultants dig at the base of the headstone for Capt. John Fay during restoration work at Memorial Cemetery on Aug. 31. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

Leo Greene and James C. Fannin Jr. of Fannin and Lehner Preservation Consultants dig at the base of the headstone for Capt. John Fay during restoration work at Memorial Cemetery on Aug. 31. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

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