Tell us about yourself
I have been a resident of Marlborough for 35 years and am committed to represent the residents of Ward 3. As we take Marlborough into the future, I’m dedicated to addressing the issues that impact Ward 3 and delivering results for our community.
What are the biggest issues facing the city?
One of the biggest issues facing Marlborough is overdevelopment with no long-term plan.
As a city councilor, how would you approach issues regarding traffic, public safety and speeding?
I think all three issues point to the staffing levels of the Police Department. While this is a national issue, there are ways that we as a city can attract and retain public safety officers, including equalizing the officer pay structure between the veteran and the newly-hired officers.
Do you think the city is on the right track in relation to residential and commercial development?
No; we’ve allowed the development to outpace our infrastructure, municipal services, and city personnel. My 36 years of living in the city have afforded me the perspective to know where our city has been, and where it can strategically go.
A series of zoning changes were vetoed by Mayor Arthur Vigeant earlier this year. Now, there are proposed changes in the Village District’s zoning. How would these changes improve the district?
In my opinion, these changes won’t improve the Village District. All the changes will do is incentivize building bigger and bigger development without accounting for the parking needs required of such development.
Currently, there are several vacancies on Main Street, in addition to the vacant lot next to Welly’s. As a councilor, how would you support downtown revitalization?
We need to balance residential and commercial development, because downtown’s current parking cannot support both. I would formulate a plan to improve parking for businesses, and urge residential developers to develop parking commensurate to their development. Once development and parking have been stabilized, I would work with Marlborough’s Economic Development Corporation to seek a successful downtown role model to emulate.
What skills and experience do you have to prepare you to be a member of the city council?
I have been in construction management for over four decades and manage multi-million dollar construction projects. Each project requires engaging with a unique and diverse group of stakeholders (including Massachusetts state and municipal agencies) and ensuring that their needs are met while keeping project budgets and goals in mind.