Westborough explores formation of Golf Club Building Committee


The Select Board recently discussed a proposed Golf Club Building Committee for the Westborough Golf Club’s building. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

The Select Board recently discussed a proposed Golf Club Building Committee for the Westborough Golf Club’s building. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

WESTBOROUGH – A new committee to take up possible next steps for the Westborough Golf Club’s building will soon be formed.

In late September, the Golf Club Building Use Committee recommended that the current building be demolished and replaced. The new building would house a pro shop and some type of dining option.

During the Select Board meeting on Nov. 14, Town Manager Kristi Williams discussed a proposed Golf Club Building Committee. Williams would like the committee to comprise seven members, including representatives from the Select Board, Advisory Finance Committee and at least three at-large members.

RELATED CONTENT: Westborough Golf Club has endured for more than a century

Select Board member Shelby Marshall said she’d like to have at least one member with restaurant management experience, along with someone who’s a member of the golf club.

Select Board member Ian Johnson, who served on the Golf Club Building Use Committee, said he wants the new committee to move quickly.

“I want to see us move this forward,” he said. 

He cited the need to develop funding opportunities and a building design.

Nominations for the new committee members could be brought forth at the Select Board’s next meeting on Tuesday, Nov. 28.

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