Five things to do this weekend


The American Heritage Museum stands at 568 Main St. (Photo/Courtesy)

The American Heritage Museum stands at 568 Main St. (Photo/Courtesy)

Living History Presentation – Life as a Roman Soldier

Saturday, Jan. 20, 11:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., American Heritage Museum, 568 Main St., Hudson.

Come for a unique presentation and demonstration from Legion III Cyrenaica, a Roman soldier reenactment group. The group researches, constructs and presents this legion as it may have appeared in Egypt during the first-century period of the Roman Empire. While the main focus of the group is in the arms, armor and military functions of the Roman Legion, the group also features non-citizen auxiliary and non-military / civilian aspects.


Meat Raffle

Saturdays, 4 to 5 p.m., American Legion Post 234, 402 West Main St., Northborough. Come for the weekly meat raffle. Open to the public. Tickets on sale the day of the event.

Chili Fest

Saturday, Jan. 20, 6:30 to 8:30 p.m., St. Luke’s Parish Hall, 70 W. Main St., Westborough. A benefit for the Westborough Appalachia Service Project. Come and choose your favorite chili recipe; prizes will be awarded. Tickets will be sold at the door – $10 adults, $5 children, $25 max per family.

Visit for information.

Winter Walk to Beat Cabin Fever

Sunday, Jan. 21, 1 to 4 p.m., Despres Preserve, Westborough. Sponsored by Westborough Conservation Land Trust. Enjoy views of hills and valleys not visible when the leaves are on the trees, and look for signs of what our local wildlife might be doing during the cold weather. Traction devices attached to boots are strongly recommended if the temperature is below freezing. Free, open to the public, no reservation needed.

Park in the parking lot of Fales School, 50 Eli Whitney St. Meet at the edge of Eli Whitney Street at the uphill (west) side of the school property. Before leaving, check for cancellations. Contact: [email protected]

Gentle Candlelight Yoga with Aromatherapy

Monday, Jan. 22, 7 to 8 p.m., Shrewsbury Public Library. Join us for a calming gentle yoga class. Flow with mindful movement to nourish the body, mind and soul in slow-paced postures, ending with a light meditation. Soft candlelight and aromatherapy create a warm ambiance, with compassionate guidance offered through each movement. The class is led by Georgia Johnson.

Register by visiting

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