Marlborough FISH needs volunteers


Marlborough FISH needs volunteersMarlborough – Those looking for an interesting volunteer activity that can fit easily into their schedules should consider Friends In Service Helping (FISH) of Marlborough which provides rides to medical appointments when family and friends cannot help.

To volunteer, go to the Marlborough Senior Center (250 Main St.) from 9 a.m. to12:30 p.m. on the dates listed below, share a cup of coffee and learn more about FISH: Tuesday and Wednesday, Sept. 20 and 22; Monday, Tuesday and Friday, Oct. 17, 19 and 21; Wednesday, Nov. 8; and Friday, Nov. 11.

Anyone unable to drop by at those times can simply leave his/her name and phone number on the FISH answering system (508-485-6492) and be contacted later by phone.

FISH has volunteer opportunities for drivers and non-drivers. For non-drivers, the volunteer activity is done from the comfort of your home. For drivers, you can pre-determine your availability and accept only assignments that are convenient for you.

FISH is a service program of the Marlborough Council on Aging/Senior Center. The organization, which is entering its second year, has provided hundreds of rides for Marlborough residents.

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