Hudson Select Board approves lease for new solid waste transfer station


Hudson Select Board approves lease for new solid waste transfer station
Hudson’s current transfer station sits just off Cox Street. (Photo/Jesse Kucewicz)

HUDSON – The Select Board approved an agreement, Dec. 6, allowing B-P Trucking to lease town land for the construction and operation of a new town solid waste transfer station at 1 Municipal Dr. 

This deal puts B-P a step closer to final approval of its plans for the 12-acre site just steps from its current station at 300 Cox St. 

Select Board discusses agreement

The lease agreement, among other things, grants B-P the “right to travel.” That includes the construction of new roads across the property and the right to develop access roads, driveways, and walkways for the transfer station to function. 

The vote to approve the lease and site plan was 4-1, with Selectman Fred Lucy entering a “no” vote. 

Lucy said he voted against the proposal because the Joseph L. Mulready Elementary School would be the “single largest community” adversely impacted by the B-P site and an access road to that site.

The school would take the brunt of diesel exhaust and loud noise from the trucks accessing the facility, Lucy said.

Other board members weighed in on some of Lucy’s concerns.

Hudson Select Board approves lease for new solid waste transfer station
The site of a proposed new transfers station spans about 15 acres at 1 Municipal Drive. (Screenshot/via Town of Hudson)

“The superintendent and principal of Mulready have no issues with it at all,” Select Board Chair Scott Duplisea said. “They have not stated any negative impact as far as they are concerned.” 

Duplisea added that the site has already gone through extensive review by the Department of Public Works. That new access road turns inward, away from the school, he continued.

‘This is the best alternative’

Town meeting voters approved an article last November to let the Board of Health and the Select Board enter lease agreements “for the operation for the town transfer station.”

The proposed facility, though, still needs site plan approval from the Planning Board and other agencies before B-P can move forward with construction.

“I don’t think there is ever a perfect location,” Duplisea said, Dec. 6. “This is the best alternative. Hudson is limited on where we can put things that are municipal.”

B-P’s existing facility sits sandwiched between Mulready School and the combined DPW and Police Department headquarters on Municipal Drive. This site addressed by B-P’s new lease sits on the other side of the DPW/police headquarters. 

Selectman Michael Burks said most of the noise concerns would not be regarding the trucks or any access roads but from the activities at the station itself.

“This is only going to be a win, not only for the smell and noise, but it is going to increase the ability for vehicles to come in there and not cue up on the street,” Burks said. 

If approved, the new facility will replace the old transfer station at 300 Cox St., which will be repurposed for Department of Public Works storage. 

“The newly constructed facility will have a larger capacity and will be cited on the parcel to accommodate increased truck traffic,” Gregory wrote in an email to the Community Advocate after the meeting.


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