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Hudson police hold National Night Out
Community members filled Guidotti Filed for the annual National Night Out celebration on Aug. 6. Read more here.
Hudson not pursuing 42-acre Army Garrison housing site
Since the duplexes are no longer being used by the Army Garrison, they have fallen into disrepair, former Fire Chief Bryan Johannes said.
Green Hudson members picket in front of Lakemont development
Members of Green Hudson have recently been picketing in front of the Lakemont development on Lake Boon on Old County Road.
Hudson Public Library turns page on grant application
Hudson Public Library Director Aileen Sanchez-Himes said the application will undergo an independent review and site visit this summer.
$920K contract awarded for Hudson Fire headquarters project
The Select Board awarded a contract to N.B. Kenney Company Inc. for $920,000 for the Hudson Fire Department headquarters project.
Hudson officials meet representatives from ‘sister city’
On July 1 — one day after the Holy Ghost Feast — Hudson representatives met with officials from Vila do Porto, the town’s “sister city."
Average quarterly sewer bill projected to increase by $30
Select Board Vice Chair Judy Congdon congratulated senior Sam Collette for getting her 100th hit in the playoffs.
Hudson breaks ground on new DPW facility
Hudson leaders gathered to break ground on the new Department of Public Works (DPW) facility on Thursday, June 27.
Select Board authorizes bond notes for upcoming town projects
Bond anticipation notes for multiple town projects, including the new Department of Public Works facility, were authorized on June 3.
Sections of HPL addition have moved up to 2.5 inches, says assessment
Four months ago, Aileen Sanchez-Himes introduced the possibility of applying for a grant to address the structural issues at the library.
Environmental impact of Hudson transfer station project discussed
Since June 2023, B-P Trucking has engaged in a process to relocate and expand the capacity of the Hudson Transfer Station.
Town Meeting rejects citizens’ petitions regarding MBTA
The residents of Hudson voted to not become a MBTA community or place a question on the town ballot for this purpose at Town Meeting.
Hudson voters elect new members to Select Board
According to the unofficial results of the May 13 election, Diane Bemis and Steven Sharek were elected to two seats, beating Brian White.
Candidates’ night provides forum for race for Library Trustees
The Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce and League of Women Voters sponsored a Hudson candidates’ night on May 1.
Select Board hopefuls speak at candidates’ night
When Hudson residents go to the polls on May 13, they will be voting for candidates to fill two seats on the Select Board.
Several articles at Hudson Town Meeting address fire at DPW garage
Hudson's Town Meeting was a night of democracy and decisions as residents came out to vote on many finance-related articles.
Town Meeting to consider 6 citizens’ petitions
When the Annual Town Meeting convenes on Monday, May 6, residents will consider six citizens’ petitions, five of which have to do with the MBTA.
Hudson Select Board candidate statements
The Community Advocate reached out to candidates in the contested race for Hudson Select Board. The election is May 13.
Hudson candidates’ night tonight at Senior Center
The Assabet Valley Chamber of Commerce and League of Women Voters (Acton Area) will be hosting a candidates’ night in Hudson.
Select Board approves general contractor for new Hudson DPW facility
The new Department of Public Works (DPW) facility project officially has a general contractor after the Select Board approved a contract.