Help send snowflakes to Newtown


Help send snowflakes to NewtownWestborough – After the start of the new year, students and staff of Shady Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., will begin the school year in a building offered by a neighboring town. All school materials are being transferred, but there will be no decorations. Snowflakes have been requested to help decorate their new facility.

The Westborough Public Library conference room will be open Thursday, Dec. 27, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., to create the snowflakes. There will be paper available for families to stop by and make some snowflakes for delivery to the students and staff.

This is not a drop-off event, and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Please bring scissors as the number available is limited. There will be plenty of paper to make some great designs, or, if you feel crafty, make some at home and bring them to the conference room to place in the collection boxes. Children and adults of all ages are welcome to come make snowflakes or bring them Dec. 27.

Community support will be greatly appreciated. Westborough Public Library is located 55 West Main St.

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