By Ed Karvoski Jr.,
Contributing Writer

Shrewsbury High School performing arts students Jeremy Lambert and Michaela Kelly rehearse a scene from the upcoming production of “Picnic.”
Shrewsbury – Rehearsals are underway for the fall play of the Shrewsbury High School (SHS) performing arts department. A cast consisting of 11 students in grades nine through 12 will present “Picnic” by William Inge, which won a Pulitzer Prize for drama in 1953. Directing the play is Jennifer Micarelli-Webb, a teacher in the performing arts department.
“It’s a great piece of literature,” she said. “And it’s a wonderful vehicle for actors to really delve into what drives these characters emotionally. I felt like this was their next step from what these students had done in previous years.”
“Picnic” was first produced onstage in 1953, followed by a film released in 1955. A film remake was released in 2000. While “Picnic” was written and set in the 1950s, Micarelli-Webb believes the story is an exploration of timeless themes.
“These characters’ questions are universal: What are their hopes and dreams; what is achievable and what isn’t; and what have they missed out on doing?” she noted. “Even though it’s set in the ‘50s there is a universal theme.”
The play tells the story of a handsome drifter, Hal, who ambles into a small Kansas town during its Labor Day weekend celebration, which features a picnic. While in town to visit a college chum, Hal becomes attracted to his buddy’s beautiful girlfriend, Madge. Playing the roles of Hal and Madge are Brendan Roque and Erin Matozel.
“They have a real sense of maturity about the demonstration of their characters,” Micarelli-Webb said. “They both have a really clear sense of the spine of their characters and the details of the moment-to-moment work. At a young age, they’ve already built a sense of depth to the characters that I’d say other high school students wouldn’t be able to address.”
The script includes another notable couple consisting of school teacher Rosemary and her longtime boyfriend, Howard. Portraying those roles are Michaela Kelly and Jeremy Lambert.
“Their fieriness onstage really has a nice, creative chemistry between the two of them,” Micarelli-Webb said of the students.
Other performers in the ensemble cast are Reilly Brenner, Katey Buell, Matt Freeman, Paulina Hruskoci, Meredith Lineman, Erik Olson and Maya Torres. Handling the stage crew responsibilities are Nancy Freeman, producer; Stan Pearson, stage manager; Abby Bryant, assistant stage manager; Doug Fisher, lights; Thalita Neves, sound; Rachel Green and Phoebe Gullion, props; Jesse Collins, costume manager; Colleen Kelly, Claire Benstead, Grace Bordage and Chloe Carleton, costume crew; and Rachel DeHaemer, Katelyn Beckett and Christina Cruz, run crew.
Micarelli-Webb expressed appreciation for the students’ progress during the rehearsal process.
“’Picnic’ is really a challenge to do at a high school level,” she said. “They’re so willing to explore this challenging material and articulate these characters quite successfully. They’ve grown to see where in this timeless classic piece their own lives have connection points to the ideas of evaluating who and where they are, what they want, and what it’s like to feel stuck with some choices that you’ve made in your life. That’s really what surrounds this piece.”
Performances are scheduled for Friday Nov. 6, and Saturday, Nov. 7, at SHS. Tickets are $12 for adults, and $10 for seniors and students. To order tickets in advance, contact 508-841-8300 extension 1088, or [email protected]. Provide your name, phone number, number of tickets needed, and specify adults, seniors, students, and performance night. Orders will be confirmed within 24 hours.