Confident Directions can help you with life’s transitions


Confident Directions can help you with life’s transitions
Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Certified Coach

Region – People often seek out a life coach at transitional periods in their life when they feel like they are floundering, lacking direction or a sense of meaning and purpose in their lives.

Individual coaching sessions offer an opportunity to look more closely at your life combined with a plan to create realistic and actionable steps to move forward. One on one coaching sessions can deliver laser focus to areas of life that need a bit of energy, passion or clarity.

Group coaching has a powerful component that benefits from the life lessons, resources and wisdom of other participants who use my skills as a facilitator to frame their vision, discuss their challenges and be inspired by the power of a group experience.  Often referred to as a Mastermind group, group coaching is more cost effective than personal coaching, highlighting aspects of positive psychology and emotional intelligence for teams and group participants.

For more information call Marilyn Taylor, LMT, Certified Coach at 774-217-1306 or visit

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