Westborough – The Westborough Athletic Boosters Association will hold the Boosters Cup Golf Tournament Monday, June 10, at Highfields Golf and Country Club in Grafton. The tournament is a 10 a.m. shotgun start. The cost is $150 per golfer/$600 per foursome which includes greens fees, cart, box lunch, and buffet dinner. There will be contests and games along the course, raffles, silent auction and 50/50 raffle. Sponsorship opportunities are still available. Register now to golf or sponsor this event at www.westboroughboosters.com.
The Westborough Athletic Boosters Association is a non-profit organization which fosters support, interest and enthusiasm for interscholastic sports teams in the Westborough Public Schools.
If you have any questions regarding sponsorship opportunities, raffle donations or golf registration, contact Maureen Johnson at 508-366-6326.