‘I hope you will join me in supporting John R. Samia’


Letter to the Editor logoTo the Editor:

I am excited to once again endorse John R. Samia for Selectmen in Shrewsbury.  John is an engaged leader, has practical executive experience, works collaboratively with all points of view, and is extraordinarily qualified to meet the challenges of our community.

John has worked extremely hard to continue to make our community a wonderful place to live and work. John’s experience as a long term school committee member and Selectmen has provided him with a deep and comprehensive understanding of the important issues that face our town.  As a corporate attorney, he brings a professional skill set which allows him to partner with other town leaders to find the most detailed and appropriate solutions.

Mr. Samia has proven to be a strong leader but he is equally a strong listener. He is laser focused on our town’s growth, stability, and prosperity. John approaches his role with passion and drive to move the needle making our town even better every day.  John is a lifelong resident who has seen our community grow, change and innovate. John is a dad, volunteer, and someone who cares deeply about our community.  I hope you will join me in supporting John R. Samia for Selectman.

Chris Juetten

Board Member, Shrewsbury Education Foundation


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