Marlborough Economic Development Corporation guides businesses to succeed


The pop-up shops were organized by MEDC in conjunction with the 495/MetroWest Partnership. (Photo/Courtesy)

The pop-up shops were organized by MEDC in conjunction with the 495/MetroWest Partnership. (Photo/Courtesy)

MARLBOROUGH – The economic forecast for Marlborough is strong. With a steady pace of business growth, and a low unemployment rate, the city stands to see continued success well into the future.

Meredith Harris, Executive Director of the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation (MEDC), provided insights into the city’s outlook.

“From a business standpoint, the city stayed strong during the pandemic and we are excited to see things getting back to normal,” said Harris. “Moderna recently announced they will be moving to Marlborough and adding 200+ jobs to Marlborough; to me, that is a positive indicator that businesses are continuing to invest in this area.”

Harris notes that for many years, Boston-based life science and biotech companies have chosen to expand operations in MetroWest and Marlborough, in particular for their manufacturing. This is evidenced by two GMP facilities recently being built on spec on Nickerson Road and Hayes Memorial Drive.

“During the pandemic, the life science and biotech users continued to come to work in person; they never closed. It was great for our small and local businesses to still have people frequenting their establishments everyday,” said Harris.

Moderna’s site on Hayes Memorial Drive. (Photo/Courtesy)

Moderna’s site on Hayes Memorial Drive. (Photo/Courtesy)

Marlborough continues to see job growth across several industries, and MEDC is helping develop unique ways to address employee shortages.

“We work collaboratively with local schools and businesses to expose students to the different types of jobs that will be available post-graduation,” said Harris.”We have a program running where high school students are graduating with an EMT certification through a partnership between MPS and Patriot Ambulance. We are talking with students about careers and opportunities, and we often see companies willing to pay for their college education. Our high schools offer award-winning STEM programs, so it is an easy transition for today’s students to become tomorrow’s employees and business leaders here.”

Another big project is the Marlborough downtown pop-up shops organized by MEDC in conjunction with the 495/MetroWest Partnership. From the end of May through the end of October, small retailers have access to free space that can be reserved through a refundable deposit.

Harris described the ways that retailers are using the pop-up shops.

“Commercial vacancy is limited downtown, and our residents crave variety. The pop-up shops allow small retailers to create a presence downtown without the expense of long-term overhead commitment,” said Harris. “We have provided space to different artists, authors, jewelry and candle makers so far – all types of vendors,” said Harris. “The pop-up shops complement the city’s Farmers Market, sponsored by Lost Shoe for the second year, with live music and a variety of vendors. Saturdays are going to be fun this summer downtown.”

In addition to free business guidance from MEDC, small to midsize companies who are looking to root themselves in Marlborough have available to them a robust toolbox for success. 

“We have grant programs and a community loan fund available to small companies and entrepreneurs looking to grow in Marlborough. Beneficiaries have included Lost Shoe Brewing and Roasting Company, Dancing Orchid Soapworks, Boro Burrito, and the soon-to-open Wemmy’s Kitchen and Lounge,” said Harris.

Harris will celebrate her eighth anniversary with MEDC in July of this year. She sees MEDC as a concierge service for the business community. Her best advice for a business that wants to open in Marlborough: 

“Do your homework. Make the call, and find out what is available to you. Investigate the programs on our website and reach out. MEDC provides numerous opportunities in a unique way. We are here to help you grow, nurture your success, and find the answers to your business challenges.”

Learn more about the resources at MEDC by visiting their website at or call (508) 229-2010.

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