MARLBOROUGH – The Rotary Club of Marlborough gave a head start on college tuition to ten 2023 high school graduates as they awarded $25,000 in scholarships at their June 8 meeting. Five local graduates walked away with $4,000 each and five other graduates were awarded $1,000 each for their education.

The Rotary Club of Marlborough recently presented ten 2023 high school graduates with scholarships. Graduates on hand were, from left: Grace Bleakney, Mackenzie Chacon, Andre Coullard, Sarah Ribeiro, Kelly Nguyen, Ashlyn Moore and Mark Vital, Rotary president. (Photo/Courtesy)
In alphabetical order they are: Grace Bleakney, Advanced Math and Science Academy, UMass Amherst; Mackenzie Chacon, Marlborough High School; Andre Coullard, AMSA, Northeastern; Willem deHaan, AMSA, UCal-SanDiego; Maria DosSantos, MHS, UMass Amherst; Salma Menkari, AMSA, Hobert & William Smith Colleges; Ashlyn Moore, Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School; Kelly Nguyen, MHS, University of Rochester; Sarah Ribeiro, MHS, UMass Boston; and Abigail Salazar, MHS, Merrimack College.

It was Kona Ice for the staff at Marlborough’s Goodnow Brothers Elementary School on the last day of school thanks to an awesome PTO. (Photo/Courtesy)
THANKS to an awesome PTO, the staff at Marlborough’s Goodnow Brothers Elementary School were treated to a visit by Kona Ice on the last day of school.
THE MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1980 will hold a Class Reunion on Saturday July 8, 6-10 p.m., at the Marlborough Fish & Game.
THE ADDICTION REFERRAL CENTER is holding its 14th Annual Golf Tournament Fundraiser on Aug. 18, at the Juniper Hills Golf Course in Northborough. Tee time is 9 a.m. The “Scramble” tournament features prizes for top team, longest drive and hole-in-one as well as numerous raffle prizes. The $125 registration fee includes golf, cart and dinner. For information on how to provide a sponsorship or register to golf in the tournament, please call the ARC at 508-485-4357 or find information at
THE 2023 Marlborough Summer Concert Series is underway in Union Common on Thursday evenings from 7 to 9 p.m., at the corner of Main and Bolton (Rte. 85) streets, Marlborough. The event is entertainment for the whole family. Admission is free to the concert and the public is invited to attend. Bring a lawn chair or blanket and enjoy the concert with family and friends.
Upcoming 2023 summer concerts include:
July 6 – Larry Bee & The Buzz – 60’s Oldies
July 13 – Childhood / Huck – Pop / Rock-N-Roll
THE MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Class of 1973 will celebrate a 50th reunion on Saturday, Sept. 16, 6– 10 p.m., at the Italian American Club (under pavilion in back), 111 Neil St., Marlborough. The evening will be casual with pizza and a cash bar – $20 per person at the door. The contact person is Ellen Sullivan Correa, 508-572-6136.
JOHN HUTCHINS FREY JR., of Vienna, Va., former Marlborough City Councilor, passed away on May 11, 2023. John was 20 years old when he served as Councilor, making him the youngest ever Marlborough City Councilor.
PAUL GOLDMAN of the Native Pollinator Task Force was a wealth of information when he appeared at the Marlborough Senior Center for a Pollinator Garden discussion. His message was clear: “Do something to help our native pollinators, insects, birds and critters.” If each person plants just one native pollinator plant in a container for their porch or deck it will help the environment.
THE 2023 Marlborough Labor Day Parade will be on Sept. 4, starting at 12 p.m. The annual Parade is celebrating 71 years. To be in the parade, volunteer, make a donation or get more information on parade, visit the Marlborough Labor Day Parade website here: If you have any questions, please call the Mayor’s Office at 508-460-3770.
June 19 – Tom Deneen
June 29 – Pauline Smith
July 7 – Gwen Hogan and Alexandra Swanson
July 10 – Don McElman
July 13 – John Rowe III, Nancy Libby and Joan Beauchemin
July 17 – Mary Kelleher
July 20 – Christine Delano
July 17 – Jim and Joan Toohey