Eight events to enjoy this weekend


The Algonquin Regional High School Marching Band at the 2019 Applefest Parade (Photo/Ed. Karvoski, Jr.)

The Algonquin Regional High School Marching Band at the 2019 Applefest Parade (Photo/Ed. Karvoski, Jr.)

REGION – It’s a busy weekend! A number of festivals and events are scheduled throughout the region.


Sept. 7-10, downtown Northborough and other locations in town. Includes a fireworks display (on Sept. 9), bake-off, road race, book sale, gala and more.

Information: http://www.northboroughapplefest.com/

Yard, Bake and Book Sale

Sept. 9, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., Harvey School Building, 20 Phillips St., Westborough. Sponsored by Westborough Community Chorus.

Collectibles Fair

Sept. 9, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Grafton Municipal Center. Coins, comics, sports memorabilia and more. Sponsored by Grafton Recreation.

Grapevine Picnic

Sept. 10, noon to 5 p.m., St. Nicholas Orthodox Church, Shrewsbury. The event will feature ethnic food, music and raffle.

Food Truck Festival

Sept. 10, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Main Street, Marlborough. Come for an afternoon of great food and a chance to meet with some of the city’s nonprofit organizations. There will also be live music, touch-a-truck, games, raffles, crafts and more. Sponsored by the Marlborough Economic Development Corp.

Pet Rock Fest

Sept. 10, noon to 5 p.m., SAC Park, Shrewsbury. A fundraiser for regional animal rescue organizations. Includes live music, contests, food and much more.

Information: https://www.petrockfest.org/

Westborough for Life

Sept. 10, 1 to 4 p.m., Westborough High School, West Main Street. Featuring local clubs, organizations, town committees, information and resources. There will also be the Turquoise Table, mini-courses and activities. Sponsored by Westborough Connects.

Information: https://www.westboroughconnects.org/programs/2023/9/10/westborough-for-life

Dine and Gather around the Armory

Sept. 10, 4 to 9 p.m., under a tent by the banks of the Assabet River behind the Hudson Armory on Washington Street. Sponsored by the Hudson Armory Project. Many of the town’s restaurants, including Kith and Kin, Clover Road Brewery, Crosenet, Harvard Sweet Boutique, Horseshoe Pub, Lalos, Medusa, Mullahy’s, Rail Trail, Welly’s and Wild Hare, will be providing a four-course dinner, beverages and desserts. There will also be live music and a silent auction.

Tickets are now available at $150 apiece; all proceeds will benefit the Hudson Armory Project.

For information about the Armory, visit https://www.hudsonarmoryproject.org/.

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