In your August 11 edition of the Community Advocate I was pleased to see the beautiful snapshot printed of page 13 of a bee foraging for pollen upon an echinacea flower. And then on page 8, the announcement of the event to “learn about beekeeping at Northborough library” fit very well with the snapshot. Yet on page 10, in your “Shrewsbury releases August mosquito spray schedule” article, a discrepancy became apparent.
We enjoy our bees, yes, but do we realize how we are harming them when we spray for mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are certainly a pest and a nuisance, but there are other ways to deal with them rather than running to the Central Mass. Mosquito Control Project (CMMCP) who will come upon request with their aerial-spraying trucks to eradicate, not only mosquitoes, but most all other insects from your neighborhood.
One question I sometimes ask myself these days is, how did our forebears in our beloved central Mass. deal with these nuisances in days of old? I think they were tougher people back then, and who certainly didn’t have deadly chemicals to resort to in order to kill any perceived pest.
Plain and simply, when you spray for mosquitoes, you’re not only killing mosquitoes.
Francis Reagan