Pickleball group donates funds toward refurbishing courts


Bob Abraham, Dennis Pollard and Kirk Tharp of the Ward Park Pickleball Group present a check to Marlborough Recreation Director Charles Thebado on Aug. 28 at Ghiloni Park. The funds will be used to refurbish the courts at Ward Park. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

Bob Abraham, Dennis Pollard and Kirk Tharp of the Ward Park Pickleball Group present a check to Marlborough Recreation Director Charles Thebado on Aug. 28 at Ghiloni Park. The funds will be used to refurbish the courts at Ward Park. (Photo/Maureen Sullivan)

MARLBOROUGH – The city’s pickleball players will soon have a newer – and expanded – place to play.

On Aug. 28, the Ward Park Pickleball Group made a donation to the Marlborough Recreation Department. The department will use the funds toward refurbishing and repainting the tennis courts at the park.

Once the project is completed sometime this fall, the courts will feature four permanent pickleball courts.

“It will make [the site] much more competitive with other communities,” said Recreation Director Charles Thebado. “We’re very excited about it. We appreciate everything they do.”

According to Kyle Tharp, the pickleball group’s treasurer, the funds came from its membership fees.

“We have a lot of new members,” said Jan Abraham, a member of the group.

Tharp and Bob Abraham, a member of the group’s steering committee, said pickleball is a sport for everyone.

“It’s the fastest-growing sport in the world right now,” said Tharp.

For information about the Ward Park Pickleball Group, visit https://wardparkpball.org/ or its Facebook page.

For information about Marlborough Recreation’s fall programs, visit https://www.facebook.com/Marlboroughrecdept.

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