Wenzel: Whitcomb Middle School students return from trip to Akiruno


Wenzel: Whitcomb Middle School students return from trip to Akiruno

MARLBOROUGH – Eight students from Marlborough’s Whitcomb Middle School returned home Sept. 15 from an exciting student exchange trip to Akiruno, Japan that will culminate in Japanese students coming here in October.

There were six boys and two girls, seventh and eighth grade students, who made the trip to the Land of the Rising Sun.

In Akiruno, located in the foothills of the Okutama Mountains of western Tokyo, the students resided with their host families and went to school with their host students.

The Whitcomb students participating in the exchange were Tamir Slater, Bryant Sanchez Alonzo, Jade Onyango, Liam Duane, Douglas Tower, Brooklyn Reis, Christ-Aaron Djiela and Christopher Smith.

Participating in a traditional tea ceremony and making paper a Japanese way were two of the students’ activities.

Marlborough Middle School students stand on “Marlborough Street” in Japan as they visited Akiruno Sept. 8 to Sept. 15. Shown in the photo are, from left, Rick Lacina, Tamir Slater, Bryant Sanchez Alonzo, Jade Onyango, Liam Duane, Douglas Tower, Brooklyn Reis, Christ-Aaron Djiela, Christopher Smith and Heather Roach. (Photo/Courtesy)

Marlborough Middle School students stand on “Marlborough Street” in Japan as they visited Akiruno Sept. 8 to Sept. 15. Shown in the photo are, from left, Rick Lacina, Tamir Slater, Bryant Sanchez Alonzo, Jade Onyango, Liam Duane, Douglas Tower, Brooklyn Reis, Christ-Aaron Djiela, Christopher Smith and Heather Roach. (Photo/Courtesy)

Heather Roach, a Middle School guidance counselor who was coordinator for the exchange program, traveled with the students as did Rick Lacina, assistant principal at Kane Elementary School.

The exchange program between Marlborough and Akiruno began in 1998. Halted for several years because of the COVID pandemic, it was reinstated this year.

Students making the trip must have grades C or above in all classes and a teacher recommendation as well as going through a selection process that included writing an essay and an interview in front of a committee.

Akiruno Shi students will come to Marlborough Oct. 12 to Oct. 20 and stay with local families.

Members of the Marlborough Garden Club kicked off the 2023-2024 season with a Yankee Swap of plants. Looking over the plants were, from left, Bonnie Power, Joanne Mahoney and Valerie Cowan. (Photo/Mary Wenzel)

Members of the Marlborough Garden Club kicked off the 2023-2024 season with a Yankee Swap of plants. Looking over the plants were, from left, Bonnie Power, Joanne Mahoney and Valerie Cowan. (Photo/Mary Wenzel)

MEMBERS of the Marlborough Garden Club didn’t wait for the holidays to have a Yankee Swap. They kicked off the 2023-2024 season with a gift exchange of beautiful plants.

Under the guidance of yankee swapmaster Valerie Cowan, the gardeners’ switched and swapped all kinds of greenery including flowers such as orchids and mums.

IT WAS A HORRIFIC, unimaginable day on 9/11/2001. One Diane Birstein will never forget.

On 9/11/2002 (and every year since), the GFWC Marlborough Junior Woman’s Club began putting together “baskets” of treats for their local police and fire departments to say thank you for all they do for the community throughout the year.

“I love delivering them every year,” said Birstein. “The smiles on their faces say all that needs to be said about how the baskets are received every year.”

Also this year, 2023, Americans commemorated the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of 9/11/2001. In remembrance of the victims, Marlborough Public Facilities and Department of Public Works placed flags on the lawn of the Walker Building.


MARLBOROUGH recently had its “Town Takeover” at Polar Park in Worcester. Mayor Arthur Vigeant was recognized and the Boys & Girls Clubs of Metrowest were honored during the game as the chosen non-profit. Members of the Marlborough Economic Development Corporation as well as residents who attended the game were thankful to the Worcester Red Sox for having a great night.

THE RECOVERY CONNECTION, 31 Main St., Marlborough, recently recognized Overdose Awareness Month, September, by hanging ribbons on a tree located by its front door. The ribbons and fabric were purple, the color selected for remembering loved ones who have died from substance use disorder. The Marlborough-based TRC is part of Spectrum Health Systems, a non-profit organization funded by the Bureau for Substance Addiction Services, part of the Department of Public Health. For information, call 508 485-0298.

A RUMMAGE SALE, presented by the Women’s Fellowship of the First Church in Marlborough, Congregational, will be held Friday, Oct. 6, 5-8 p.m. and Saturday, Oct. 7, 9 a.m. to noon.


Sept. 15 – Shirley Ney and Sharon Levy
Sept. 30 – Nena Bloomquist and Charlie Downey
Oct. 2 – Christine Bastien
Oct. 4 – Mike Christo
Oct. 5 – Fred Brewitt and Laura Miller
Oct. 7 – Rosemary Boniface, Sheila Shea and Robert Katz
Oct. 9 – Sue Blanchard
Oct. 10 – Cathy Miola
Oct. 12 – Mark Cappadona


Oct. 3 – Jim and Loretta Rizza, Dave and Sue Williams and Kim and Tim Beauchemin
Oct. 7 – Larry and Mary Wenzel
Oct. 10 – Kathy and Jeff Klofft

Send items for “Marlborough at a Glance” to Mary Wenzel at [email protected]. Put GLANCE in the subject line.

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