Shrewsbury unveils resident academy


Shrewsbury unveils resident academy
Shrewsbury’s Town Hall stands within the town’s municipal campus off Maple Street. (Photo/Laura Hayes)

SHREWSBURY – Are you interested in knowing more about how Shrewsbury operates?

At the Select Board meeting on Sept. 26, Communications Coordinator Taylor Galusha announced the Shrewsbury Way Resident Academy, a new initiative meant to inform community members about local services and government.

The seven-class program starts on Nov. 1. The academy will cover town finance and administration, the budgeting process, emergency services, the Department of Public Works, community development, human services, and the basics of local government. Participants can expect activities, tours, and roundtable discussions with staff.

“We want to make these classes as engaging as possible and as valuable as possible for the participants so they feel it was time well spent in their weeks to get involved more and learn more about the town and how we work,” Galusha said.

For more information on the Shrewsbury Way Resident Academy, visit

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