Renovations underway at Waste Connections building


One of the buildings at E.L. Harvey/Waste Connections on Hopkinton Road is being converted into a vehicle repair and parts storage facility.<br />(Photo/Courtesy)

One of the buildings at E.L. Harvey/Waste Connections on Hopkinton Road is being converted into a vehicle repair and parts storage facility.

WESTBOROUGH – Those driving along Hopkinton Road may have noticed some work being done at Building 4 of the E.L. Harvey/Waste Connections facility.

According to documents filed with the town’s Building Department, the project is to “return the building to its original intended use as a vehicle repair and associated parts storage facility. Less than 50% of the building’s interior space will be reconfigured, which includes a new parts mezzanine. 

“No new exterior door or window locations will be added. The building’s envelope and systems will be upgraded. There will be no changes to the site layout,” the filed documents read. 

Building 4 is near the main entrance on Hopkinton Road. It is currently being used for what the company calls “material recovery.”

RELATED CONTENT: Waste Connections plans to close Westborough transfer station

Upgrades will include new trench drains, skylight and flooring, along with showers and eye wash stations.

Several drive-in doors will be replaced, and new dock doors will be installed.

The commercial building application was submitted to the town in June, and approved on Sept. 21.

Last winter, E.L. Harvey/Waste Connections announced it would shut down residential access to its transfer station after June 2024. In July, the facility announced its willingness to keep the site accessible.

Negotiations continue between the town and E.L. Harvey/Waste Connections, according to Town Manager Kristi Williams.

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