Wenzel: MHS orchestra director to march in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade


Wenzel: MHS orchestra director to march in Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade

MARLBOROUGH – Angie Crockwell will be marching in the 2023 Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade on Nov. 23 in New York City. She is Marlborough High School’s Director of Orchestra and String Ensemble as well as music teacher at MHS. Angie will join the Saluting America’s Band Directors Marching Band with over 400 band directors from all 50 states and Mexico. Turn on your TVs on Thursday, Nov. 23, 9 a.m. to noon, on NBC. Angie also marched in the 2022 Rose Parade in Pasadena, Calif.

MARLBOROUGH’S traditional Veteran’s Day parade will be held on Saturday, Nov. 11, starting at 10 a.m. The parade begins at the American Legion on Maple Street and the parade will proceed onto Main Street. Stops will be made at veterans’ memorials along Main Street in honor of those who served. The parade concludes at the World War I Memorial also known as the “Doughboy Monument.” A ceremony at the Doughboy Monument will begin at 11 a.m. Veterans Day ceremonies are coordinated by the Marlborough Veterans Council.

Marlborough High School juniors faced reality at the recent hands-on Reality Fair presented at MHS by the Rotary Club of Marlborough, the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce along with local businesses, city officials and retired teachers. (Photo/Courtesy)

Marlborough High School juniors faced reality at the recent hands-on Reality Fair presented at MHS by the Rotary Club of Marlborough, the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce along with local businesses, city officials and retired teachers. (Photo/Courtesy)

THE MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL Reality Fair was a huge success with special thanks and appreciation to the Rotary Club of Marlborough, the Marlborough Regional Chamber of Commerce along with local businesses, city officials and retired teachers who volunteered to work with MHS Juniors. Congratulations to Jayne Haley and her team on a job well done. Students were engaged and excited about this extremely relevant, hands-on activity.

WHILE the date may change, the day never will, it’s the Saturday before Thanksgiving at the church on the hill,” when the traditional Meeting House Fair is held at the First Church in Marlborough, Congregational. This year the date is Nov. 18, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

It’s an old-fashioned fair that features crafts, Christmas items and jewelry. Homemade baked goods will include a bake shop, cookie room and pie shop. A Trash and Treasure room will offer a variety of items at great prices. There will be a lot of books ready for reading.

The popular Basket Raffle, featuring themes for all ages, will be back located in the Parish Hall. At lunch time you can choose tasty corn chowder, hot dogs and sandwiches as well as donuts, brownies and more. There is something for everyone and everyone is invited to attend this fun and festive event. First Church is located at Bolton (Rte. 85) and High streets, just above Union Common in Marlborough.

FORMER members of the Dukes Drum and Bugle Corps and the Duchess Drill Team are planning a Reunion on Saturday, Nov. 11, at 7 p.m., at the Loyal Order of the Moose, 67 Fitchburg St., Marlborough. Tickets are $25 per person (which includes an Italian dinner). All friends, family, former instructors and quartermasters of the corps and drill team are welcome to attend.

Any questions or for more info please call Laura Brissette at 978-568-8955.

Sharon Levy, second from right, joined other Lions Club members from around District 33K, to volunteer at the National Braille Press in Boston to assemble 500 braille “Peanuts” calendars. (Photo/Courtesy)

Sharon Levy, second from right, joined other Lions Club members from around District 33K, to volunteer at the National Braille Press in Boston to assemble 500 braille “Peanuts” calendars. (Photo/Courtesy)

SEVERAL Marlborough Lions Club members joined other Lions Club members from around District 33K to volunteer at the National Braille Press in Boston to assemble 500 braille “Peanuts” calendars. For Lions, one of the global causes is Vision including eye screenings, eye research and recycling eyeglasses.

Nov. 10 – Dom Valarioti
Nov. 11 – Frank Marino, Roberta Collins, Karen Kraft and Dave Flynn
Nov. 12 – Jean Peters and Diane Wenzel
Nov. 13 Nia Benoit
Nov. 15 – Barbara McElman
Nov. 17 – Marge Nelson and KJ Haddad
Nov. 19 – Karen Seekamp and Brenda Costa
Nov. 20 – Samantha Dalbec, Michael Lombardi, Marcia Fitzgerald and Nancy Dalbec
Nov. 21 – Dr. Bill Castelli and Rick Robinson
Nov. 22 – Joan Gregoire and Dave Williams
Nov. 23 – Happy Thanksgiving
Nov. 24 – Dan Verrico

Send items for “Marlborough at a Glance” to Mary Wenzel at [email protected]. Put GLANCE in the subject line.

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