Freedom of Speech at MIT!


Letter to the Editor iconI was very fortunate to have heard about an event that took place on November 30th sponsored by MIT Students for Open Inquiry, whose charter begins as follows: 

“We support and affirm the MIT Free Expression Statement, as well as the Chicago Principles. We further believe you have a right to offend, and no right to be free from offense; a right to be wrong, and no right or expectation that you will be shielded from views you dislike…

As MIT students, we are uniquely positioned to challenge the prevailing censorship-educational complex. The youth are MIT and America’s future. Will we let the Institute and the country be run by censorious tyrants, or by defenders of our heritage of liberty and free thinking?” 

The guest was Steve Kirsch, a 1978 MIT graduate who was, until now, not welcomed to speak on campus, despite his having donated enough money to have an auditorium named after him.  This courageous group of students sought to live up to their charter and invited Steve to discuss his research regarding the Covid-19 safety and efficacy data – which, to say the least, was very difficult to hear.  Steve’s data corresponds to data recently released by the Data Base Administrator/Whistleblower from New Zealand. With a population or 5.2 million, New Zealand is the only government in the world for which Covid 19 vaccine data is available to the public, due to this courageous hero, who came forward for no other reason than to save lives. The data irrefutably show that the vaccines are not safe.   

I would encourage everyone who took the time to read this to do your research.  You may have to dig a little due to the censorship that these MIT students are fighting, but if I found it, you can too. 

Jodie T. Chapin

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