Wenzel: GoFundMe started for Flashback Band member


Wenzel: GoFundMe started for Flashback Band member

MARLBOROUGH – Jeff Chapman, a member of the very, very popular Flashback Band, has been on life support in the ICU of a Boston hospital for over six weeks with issues with his lungs.

His oldest granddaughter, Isabella Beane, has started a GoFundMe for her grandparents to help with home bills, gas, rehab and recovery. A very strong man, Jeff has surprised doctors and nurses with his progress. He is not giving up and is determined to come home and spend time with his family. If you can donate to the GoFundMe, go to the website and type in “Help Keep Jeff Rockin!” or go to https://gofund.me/fd10d186.

Colin Hennessy, of Marlborough, at left, was recently named interim Legislative Director for state Sen. Jamie Eldridge. (Photo/Courtesy)

Colin Hennessy, of Marlborough, at left, was recently named interim Legislative Director for state Sen. Jamie Eldridge. (Photo/Courtesy)

STATE SEN. JAMIE ELDRIDGE recently highlighted his interim Legislative Director Colin Hennessy, a Marlborough native, while the Senator’s Legislative Director David Emer is on parental leave. Colin, a recent graduate of Penn State University, interned in the Senator’s office this summer. Colin’s thoughtfulness in meeting with advocates and activists, the questions he has asked during the Criminal Justice Reform Caucus visits to prisons, staffing the long Judiciary Committee hearings, and even using his philosophy degree to bring up bigger issues around justice, equality and morality, has been incredibly helpful. He is the son of Katherine and Michael Hennessy of Marlborough.

RECENTLY, Marlborough Mayor Arthur Vigeant attended the Massachusetts Hockey Hall of Fame ceremony as former General Manager of the New England Sports Center, the late Wes Tuttle, was inducted into MA Hockey Hall of Fame. Wes is said to have had two passions in life, hockey and helping others. He expanded the New England Sports Center from four ice sheets to 10. The facility is now the largest sports complex in the Northeast attracting youth and adult teams and hosting leagues and tournaments from players throughout Massachusetts, New England and beyond.

THE STAFF at UMass-Memorial Hospital is thankful for their caregivers and their dedication and commitment to the patients. But they are blown away by the care they extend outside of the walls of Marlborough Hospital. The caregivers went above and beyond to donate items during the Donation Drive for the Marlborough Community Cupboard and Kits for Kids. The Hospital was able to donate 238 pounds of food for the community and hundreds of items to help kids in need.

Several Marlborough High School students were named as MIAA District 3 Sportsmanship Award recipients. The MHS student<br />representatives at Gillette Stadium were, from left, Akrif Semakula, Tyler Moore, Meghan Deneen, Abby Carroll and Ella Hobin. Ava VanBuskirk was missing from the photo.

Several Marlborough High School students were named as MIAA District 3 Sportsmanship Award recipients. The MHS student
representatives at Gillette Stadium were, from left, Akrif Semakula, Tyler Moore, Meghan Deneen, Abby Carroll and Ella Hobin. Ava VanBuskirk was missing from the photo.

MARLBOROUGH HIGH SCHOOL shines bright as MIAA District 3 Sportsmanship Award recipients. Recently, nine schools across the state were honored with this prestigious accolade. Congratulations to our MHS student representatives who attended this special event: Ava VanBuskirk, Abigail Carroll, Ella Hobin, Meghan Deneen, Tyler Moore and Akrif Semakula. And let’s not forget to applaud the dedication of Jeff Rudzinsky (MHS Athletic Director), Nikki Fallon (MHS Athletics administrative assistant), and MHS Principal Dr. Daniel Riley for their outstanding leadership. The award ceremony was held at Gillette Stadium, where MHS student representatives participated in enlightening workshops throughout the day.

THE ROTARY CLUB OF MARLBOROUGH had a very successful Turkey Shoot on Nov. 18 and are now “jumping” into another event, the “2nd Annual Polar Plunge” on Sunday, Dec. 17, 10 a.m. to noon, at Marlborough’s Memorial Beach. The first 80 to register at $20 to help end polio on the planet will get a T-shirt, a mug, hot chocolate and bragging rights. To register: https://www.marlboroughrotary.org/…/polar-plunge-to-end…Direct register link: https://collectcheckout.com/r/ueegk.

Nov. 20 – Emily DeRidder – 100 years
Dec. 8 – Randy Scott
Dec. 11 – Phyllis Christo
Dec. 13 – Carol Mac Ewen
Dec. 14 – Danny Stevens
Dec. 15 – Kathy Leonard and Barbara Clancy
Dec. 16 – Michael Adamson
Dec. 18 – Doug Rowe, Bonnie Hill and Tony Valerio
Dec. 20 – Heidi Matthews
Dec. 22 – Jim Rizza
Dec. 24 – Christmas Eve
Dec. 25 – Merry Christmas


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