Rimkus: Over 100 Hometown Hero banners to be hung


Rimkus: Over 100 Hometown Hero banners to be hungHUDSON – Families and friends of local War veterans have responded promptly to the Hometown Heroes project and 102 banners will soon be hanging publicly. Banners will represent all 43 Hudson residents Killed in Action, and veterans will also include 38 World War II, two Korean War, two Vietnam War and one from Gulf War Against Terrorism.

Jean Fondas of the Heroes project said the banners will be hung along Washington street and Broad street, which will include the Seth Michaud Memorial bridge on Broad St. and the Kenneth Thibault Memorial Bridge on Washington St.

The banners will be hung in the spring and dedication will be Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18 at Hudson Armory lawn from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. They will hang until Veterans Day, Nov. 11, when they will be stored for winter months. Hudson Dept. of Public Workers will hang, remove and store them.

Banner honoring Vietnam Veteran Leonidas “Lee” Fondas is among the 102 Hometown Heroes banners to be hung on Hudson streets this spring. Dedication will be at State Armory on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18. (Photo/Courtesy)

Banner honoring Vietnam Veteran Leonidas “Lee” Fondas is among the 102 Hometown Heroes banners to be hung on Hudson streets this spring. Dedication will be at State Armory on Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 18. (Photo/Courtesy)

New trust members

Two new members have been appointed to the Hudson Affordable Housing Trust. Appointed to fill vacancies are Ann Marie Lourens and Christopher Staysnick. The Trust oversees the construction of new housing units on Packard Street at the former Hudson Police Station, which is currently underway. According to Planning Board officials, the site will include 40 units of 100 percent affordable housing.

Craft and Vendor Fair

Hudson High School Jr. Boosters will sponsor Spring Craft and Vendor Fair Saturday, March 23 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the school, 69 Brigham Street. Fair will include 40 amazing vendors, kids’ activities, great raffles, etc. For more information go to [email protected].

New Mass times

As of Sunday, Feb. 18, Sunday morning Mass times will change at St. Michael’s Church, as announced by parish administrator Rev. Jason Giombetti. Sunday Mass will be 10:00 a.m. (change from 10:30) in the upper church. Brazilian Sunday Mass will be at 11:30 a.m. (change from 11 a.m.) in the lower chapel. Parking problems necessitated the change, said Rev. Fr. Giombetti.

Combat rations history

A Natick Lab official will discuss the “Evolution of Military Combat Rations” at the meeting of the Hudson Historical Society Tuesday, Feb. 27 at 7 p.m. at First Federated Church Hall, 200 Central St., Hudson. David Accetta, chief publicity officer of the U.S. Army at Natick Lab, will also reveal the “technology transfer” results of Natick Lab experiments,” which may be seen in grocery stores.” He will discuss the history of military rations since the origin of the Army and will have current rations on display. President Carmen Giombetti invites the public to join members at the meeting. Refreshments will be served.

HHS football bingo

“Fun Bingo Night” to benefit HHS Hawks Football will be held Friday, March 8 at 7 p.m. at Hudson Lodge of Elks, Brigham St. Profits will benefit spring camps, team gear, etc. Tickets are $10 each, table of ten $100. Payable to HHS Booster Club via Venmo or Paypal @Hudson Boosters.

Feb. 10 – John Craig, Loreen Balthazar, Christopher O’Keefe, Kevin Carter and Brady Caramanica
Feb. 12 – Ryan Brennan, Tiffany James and Shawn Powell
Feb. 13 – Velma Rocheleau, Tara Bauer, Beth Bertonnassi, Jennifer Torres Robert and Liam Zina
Feb. 14 – Arthur Balthazar, Gary Gannon, Greg Waterhouse, Michelle Correa and Jean Luther
Feb. 15 – Mark Johnson, Michael Cabral, Bill Hopkins and Pam Bushey
Feb. 16 – Cheryl O’Leary, Kenny Durkin and Dennis Pierozzi
Feb. 17 – Kaleigh Brennan, Shelby Searles, Nina Smith and Duane Homer
Feb. 18 – Evan Bushey, D.J. Johnson, Jeannette Pauplis, Kimberly Kearney and Mike Kauffman
Feb. 19 – Nelson Sousa, Scott Campbell, Mecia Wright, Sue Girl, Kathleen Domenicucci and Nicolas Caramanica
Feb. 20 – Lynn Kerner, George Lawton, Karen Michaud and Benjamin Wilson-Chase
Feb. 21 – Jackie Hester, Alyson Sinewski, Sue Albertini, Sara Siktberg, Jack Ryan Yates and Dawn Rich
Feb. 22 – John Rich, Emily Pollard, Cheryl Santos and Mason Holyoke
Feb. 23 – Katie Krasinski, Joe Bairos, Tammie Teabo and Helen Trumpolt
Feb. 24 – Peggi Sullivan and Katie DeRusha
Feb. 25 – Tom Boudreau, Bob Berube, Joan Vincent, Martin Miller, Aimee Chaves, Zoe Ann Leipens, George Sousa and Grace Masciarelli
Feb. 26 – Wally Howard, BethAnn Bruso, Rebecca Moran, Hugo Correa, Nicole Hogan and Sara Neuffer

HAPPY MILESTONE BIRTHDAY on Feb. 18 to Nancy Eddy!

SPECIAL GREETINGS to Bryan and Brenda Quinn, who mark their 30th wedding anniversary Feb. 19.

Feb. 14 – John and Trina Zompetti, Mario and Christine DiMare
Feb. 15 – Dave and Ellen DiLauro, Ken and Karen Yorston
Feb. 19 – Bryan and Brenda Quinn, Al and Peggy Yesue
Feb. 20 – Bob and Eileen Sullivan
Feb. 23 – Phil and Trudy Durand
Feb. 24 – Allen and Laurie Brown
Feb. 26 – Leo and Connie Palatino

(If death or divorce has changed this list please email [email protected].)


Joe Bilodeau was recruited to play goalie for the Hudson High hockey team when goalie Billy Gould was injured. Michael Monteiro marked his first teenage birthday. Nicola “Nicky” Young sustained a broken leg in a fall on Christmas Eve and was a patient at Marlborough Hospital. Troop 2 Boy Scout Richard Durand was awarded his Indian Lore badge.

Hudson National bank president Raymond Dawley announced that Ethel Cooke was Hudson Girls Club “Girl of the Year.” Robert Kelley was named to the dean’s list at Worcester State College. Hudson High football players Richard Formalarie and Steve Jacobs presented athletic jacket to Ted Hassapes, who hosted free dinners for the team at his restaurant, The Bronx, Marlboro. Miles Quigley and Ples Hunter were drawn for jury duty.

Send entries for Hudson Happ’nings to 18 Cottage St., Hudson MA. 01749 or email [email protected].

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