Marlborough Police to offer summer Youth Academies


Marlborough Police to offer summer Youth Academies
The Marlborough Police Department will once again offer Youth Academies this summer. (Photo/Courtesy)

MARLBOROUGH – The Marlborough Police Department will be hosting its fifth annual Youth Academies this summer.

There will be two sessions – the weeks of July 8-12 and Aug. 5-9, daily from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The academy is free of charge; a T-shirt and hat will be provided. Students will be required to bring their own lunch Monday through Thursday.

The academy will be accepting applications for students going into the seventh or eighth grade in the fall of 2024. Applications will be accepted starting April 1, and they will be available on the Marlborough Police website –…/mpd-youth-police.

You may also pick up an application in the front lobby of the Marlborough Police Station or from Whitcomb School Resource Officer Braswell. Applications may be submitted via email to Officer David Tinglof, [email protected], or dropped off in person at the main lobby of the police station. 

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