Shrewsbury's Aug. 29 trash, recycling collection pushed back a day


Shrewsbury's Aug. 29 trash, recycling collection pushed back a dayShrewsbury – Due to the threat of Hurricane Irene, the Shrewsbury Board of Health has announced that trash and recycling will not be collected Monday Aug. 29. The trash and recycling schedule will resume Tuesday, with a day's delay for the remainder of the week. This means that Monday's usual trash and recycling colletion will be held Tuesday instead, withTuesday's on Wednesday and so on.

Also, the Shrewsbury Board of Health asks that resident and businesses take note that the week of Aug. 30 through Sept. 3 is a “Blue”recycling week. To ensure that you do not miss your pick-up, residents and businesses are recommended to have their trash and recycling out to the curb by 7 a.m.

For more information, contact the Board of Health at 1-508-841-8512.

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