St. Mary School eighth-grade boys win basketball championship


Team members: (l to r) Matthew Grden, Keith Chan, Dante Maglitta, Mark Samaha, Bobby Duquette, Peter Belbin, John Sullivan, Varun Nathan, Braeden Hughes, Michael Hayeck and Victor Szabo; coaches: (l to r) Mike Hayeck, Mike Duquette and Paul Grden. (Photo/Stacey Hughes Photography)
Team members: (l to r) Matthew Grden, Keith Chan, Dante Maglitta, Mark Samaha, Bobby Duquette, Peter Belbin, John Sullivan, Varun Nathan, Braeden Hughes, Michael Hayeck and Victor Szabo; coaches: (l to r) Mike Hayeck, Mike Duquette and Paul Grden. (Photo/Stacey Hughes Photography)

Shrewsbury – The St. Mary School Grade 8 Boys’ Basketball Team recently won the St. Mary Boys’ Basketball League Championship. This group of talented young men, under the direction of dedicated coaches, finished the season 15-0 – the first ever undefeated season for St. Mary School.

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