‘Hoping that the Boch Subaru dealership … does not clear its last hurdle’


Letter to the Editor iconAs a longtime resident of Shrewsbury, I’m hoping that the Boch Subaru dealership slated for route 9 in Shrewsbury does not clear its last hurdle, that of being approved by the Mass. Environmental Protection Act office.

If the Boch organization really had the town’s interest in mind, they would adopt a long-term vision by which forested/open space will ultimately be a most valuable future asset for any municipality.  Shrewsbury of all places should be getting pretty tired of developers who come to town and deface the natural landscape to make their buck.  If Boch really wants a presence in Shrewsbury, there’s already denuded parcels where he can set up shop.

A 25 acre wooded parcel is about to come down.  Has anyone considered that this is habitat for Shrewsbury’s wildlife which we see less and less of?  Earth Day was only a few weeks ago.  I’m just trying to speak up a little bit for the trees and small animals.

Fran Reagan

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