Grant will help adult disabilities program run rehab center


Seven years ago, a motorcycle accident left Heather unable to speak, walk or care for herself. Thanks to the MAB’s Training and Rehabilitation Center in Westborough, she can now walk, speak and eat solid food. (Photo/Courtesy)

Seven years ago, a motorcycle accident left Heather unable to speak, walk or care for herself. Thanks to the MAB’s Training and Rehabilitation Center in Westborough, she can now walk, speak and eat solid food. (Photo/Courtesy)

WESTBOROUGH – There are day services designed for people with intellectual disabilities, but few for people with brain injuries.

MAB Community Services (MAB), a statewide nonprofit organization and rehabilitation services provider, supports both populations in living full and satisfying lives.

MAB’s Adult Disability Services division created and recently opened a unique Training and Rehabilitation Center in Westborough to serve people with brain injuries. After enrolling its first 25 participants, MAB accepted a $50,000 grant from the Miller Innovation Fund, offered through the Herman and Frieda L. Miller Foundation.

This grant partially funds the TRC’s operations while the program enrolls more participants. MAB anticipates the TRC achieving financial self-sufficiency with 100-125 participants.
MAB’s TRC serves Mass Health-eligible participants from the commonwealth’s Acquired Brain Injury (ABI) and Moving Forward Plan (MFP) waivers. Unlike other programs, MAB’s center offers an array of classes and services under one roof that support building independence, including physical, occupational and speech therapy; mental health services; employment services; social recreation activities; and educational training.

Participants sign up for three-hour time blocks of services during a 12-week cycle that meet their needs and interests.

“Nonprofit organizations rarely receive funding to innovate and experiment,” said Shaun Kinsella, director of new business operations for MAB’s Adult Disability Services division.

“That’s why we’re particularly grateful for the Miller Innovation Fund award. MAB is committed to changing human services delivery systems in ways that help people with disabilities navigate challenging circumstances and live full lives.”

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