SELCO to hold Earth Day celebration, April 30 in Shrewsbury


SELCOSHREWSBURY –  Shrewsbury residents are invited to attend SELCO’s annual Earth Day celebration on April 30 from 9 a.m. to noon in the Shrewsbury Town Common.

SELCO will be giving away 750 free trees to residents. 

All of the trees will be resistant to Asian longhorn beetle infestations and aren’t classified as hosts of the spotted lanternfly, which is an invasive insect. 

Officials documented a lanternfly infestation on a series of trees in town back in January.

The trees given out later this month include pee gee hydrangea, white dogwood, fragrant lilac, forsythia, Eastern white pine and Colorado blue spruce varieties. 

Residents will be required to have an ID or SELCO bill to prove residency.

The event is a partnership between SELCO, the Shrewsbury Town Center Association, Chiampa Funeral Home and Shrewsbury Credit Union.

There will be other groups providing information and activities, including an Earth Day community art project by the Shrewsbury Town Center Association and a bottle-and-can drive by Boy Scout Troop 114.


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