Boy Scout Troop 4 active in the community


Boy Scout Troop 4 active in the community
Boy Scout Troop 4 recently cleaned up Dean Park on Oct. 21. (photo/Courtesy)

Boy Scout Troop 4 from Ray Stone Post in Shrewsbury has been active performing community and conservation service projects. Doing service projects together is one way that Scouts keep their promise “to help other people and their community.” While a Scout should do his best to help other people every day, a group service project is a bigger way to help people. By doing community service, scouts work together with others to do something that’s good for our community. 

Troop 4 scouts are helpful and serve the community we live in by giving back and doing projects to make our town a better place to work, play and live in. Troop 4 armed with hand sanitizer, work gloves and garbage bags cleaned up Dean Park on SaturdayOctober 21th. The scouts picked up 15 bags of trash and a long trailer hitch for a car in the rain.  Besides a sense of pride in a job well done the scouts are rewarded by Service Coordinator David Lowy with doughnuts after the service project was completed. These projects instill in the scouts the outdoor code that scouts should be considerate in the outdoors and be conservation-minded. If you’re interested in learning more please visit our website at

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