Code Wiz Center Director Madison Ducote. (Photo/Kathryn Acciari)
WESTBOROUGH – Code Wiz of Westborough teaches children from age seven to 17 programming skills and basic literacy for the digital age.
In addition to holding its regular evening sessions this summer, Code Wiz will run its popular summer camps from June 19, 2023, through the end of August. The camps are filling fast, said Center Director Madison Ducote, and she urges parents to register their children.
“Our summer campers enjoy modding with Minecraft, where they modify the game to be personalized. They also make new objects, compete in creating battle bots, and write new code,” said Ducote.
Each weekly camp runs for five days and features three different subjects such as Roblox, Minecraft, and coding.
At Code Wiz, the most basic programming skill that students learn is the drag-and-drop method.
“With drag-and-drop, the kids arrange pre-written modules of code and fit them together like puzzle pieces,” said Ducote. “This helps them develop a problem solving and programming mindset so they learn how to build code. Drag-and-drop gives them a visual tool for understanding how code goes together.”
Code Wiz students have the opportunity to participate in competitions. The First LEGO League (FLL), which occurs in December, provides students with hands-on STEM learning. Students can also participate in a Code Wiz spring robotics competition.
“We start creating robotics teams in August, and the kids work together to create a robotic model and compete during the spring season at Code Wiz centers,” said Ducote. “The kids put all their energies into these projects. The mix of creativity and competition provides them with a lot of fun. And when kids are having fun learning, they can’t wait to come back.”
The learning modules at Code Wiz are categorized by age group. Children ages seven to nine learn to build video games and create animated characters. From age nine to 12, the kids move into keyboarding and coding in a game-based environment. Typical programs at this level include Python, HTML, CSS, and Javascript. Older students age 13 and up gain experience with Bootstrap and Unity as well as Advanced Java for AP Computer Science prep.
“All of our learning is project-based,” said Ducote. “Unity is a big game engine, and one of our students plans to eventually sell her game project.”
Ducote added, “It’s rewarding seeing the kids’ projects come to life. We love to teach and watch the kids grow. Our motto is ‘Code and have fun!’”
Learn more about Code Wiz at thecodewiz.com/westborough-ma or call them at (508) 521-9096.
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